
Monday, March 12, 2012

Point man on union busting - Minn. Sen. David "Dave" Thompson. Every village has one? Lakeville has one?

This link, reporting union busting hearing. Here, here, reporting hearing committee games that Republicans play. Bless them.

ALEC's nationwide agenda: Right To Work [For Less].

This legislative page on Thompson. Every village has one. Lakeville has one? The Republicans sure can pick 'em.

Actually, Phi Beta Kappa, at U. ND, major in Econ and poli sci. The Econ part is solid. He's no dummy. Unlike Mary Franson, he lacks that as an excuse for being who he is. Every village does have at least one. (Franson's village being Alexandria.)

You can do your own web search, but a few links are: here, here, here, here, here, and here.

__________FURTHER UPDATE__________
photo below, from Strib's home page, accompanying Strib coverage of yesterday's GOP circus stunt

We missed Uma Thurman at the hearing. She could have livened it up some. Cutting to the quick.