
Monday, March 19, 2012

Ohh noooo!!! Not a Lazarus of a community center thing.

It is unclear whether this is a HOT item or a DEAD one, for now, but, this agenda page, at the "Future Topics/Calendar" link, leads to the following [with colored marginalia added].

Click it to enlarge and read.
This link, for original pdf page.

Note, the 2011 header. With luck this page was resurrected, without any Lazarus intent for Community Center spending.

The fear and loathing, of course, centers on the likelihood that the "2011" was a typo, and this is Lazarus walking.

Current residents are not made of gold, to be tithed accordingly, so that Flaherty has a greater chance of filling his fiasco by the rails thing with renters, by being able to say "They built you a Community Center" [which Colin McGlone would somehow characterize as not being a Flaherty subsidy, as he, this is true now, has said about the ramp expansion].

Really, McGlone said that the Flaherty contract was without any subsidy.
