
Thursday, March 01, 2012

Messages within messages? Arnie wants to see heavy lifting? Or what?

Call it the puzzle of the day. It is not current news. In a post several years old, Oct. 28, 2009 being the date, The Register reported:

Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger has told Democrat San Francisco assembly member Tom Ammiano just what he thinks of him and his "infrastructure financing districts" bill in a letter which explicity slams the latter, [...]

Here is the screen capture of the Governor's letter:

Apparently this is a real letter the Governor sent, not a press forgery. However, The Register's link for the letter now gives an error message, not a letter pdf view.

After posting that letter text, that way, The Register continued:

Arnie's spokesman, Aaron McLear, gasped: "My goodness. What a coincidence. I suppose when you do so many vetoes, something like this is bound to happen."

Quintin Mecke, Ammiano's mouthpiece, responded: "Kudos to the governor for his creative use of coincidence. You certainly have to have a sense of humour in politics. Unfortunately, this humour came at the cost of the Port of San Francisco."

Go figure.