
Friday, March 02, 2012

Interesting reporting about photos on your phone.

This link. Google and privacy, two reports, here and here.

One of the Klobuchar people phoned me last night. Because I will be a DFL senate district caucus attendee, the caller was asking if my heart belongs to Amy.

I said no, mentioning her sulfide mining position and the Bachmann Bridge issue, and how Klobuchar has been a middle of the road big time disappointment.

I forgot to specifically mention Klobuchar's low-point cosponsorship of SOPA and PIPA. Dumping on the internet user community because Big Hollywood gives politicians money, to me, is not sound policy. Yet Franken, at least having past Hollywood ties as an explanation, and Klobuchar both cosponsored the "Dump a load on users" appraoch to keeping Hollywood money flowing.

It sucks.

(Ars also has online an interview with Kim Dotcom, of Megaupload, saying he is not a crook. A chubbier version of Nixon I suppose. The interview, here. The entire dimensions of the Megaupload takedown clearly shows that Big Hollywood does not need ways and means to dump on and intimidate the internet users, when it can goose its already hired government to move in ways that fit its fiscal interests while leaving the user community free of harassment by copyright trolls and their lawyers. Klobuchar should have known better from the get-go, but at least in the Senate's for-now shelving of SOPA/PIPA she shows along with the others a rudimentary learning curve.)

It would not hurt Amy to have a bit more Wellstone in her backbone. And in her brain cavity.

However, with the GOP opponent being a turkey, Amy's safe being exactly who she has been.

It unfortunately is as it is. A progressive in a primary challenge would help open the Senator's eyes to a part of the party she - like too many others - takes for granted because we've been offered no other real choice to corporatism as it is, has been, and without CHANGE will be.

CHANGE. Seems I heard that somewhere before, but it was only a passing fancy, for some purpose I can barely recall now, given how CHANGE was little but a convenient word.

Ellison and McCollum, bridge-wise, have been sound and conservative. Bachmann is off the handle on wanting her bridge to Wisconsin where the Bachmann family dairy farm is.

A wrap-up getting back to the first paragraph. Perhaps Amy Klobuchar, (and Al Franken who is not up for reelection this year), could become the leading Senate voice for privacy for the rest of us.

And how do YOU like your cell phone's tracking capabilities, for where you are, where you have been, and where you will be? Privacy, like a Fourth Amendment protection is a good thing. Beyond the Griswold case and its specific issues, privacy is good, and Griswold made our right to it a Constitutional penumbral right. Let's hope Klobuchr picks up the thought. Perhaps she could court the EFF, so its heart belongs to Amy.