
Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Robo-wife -- showing her husband's not unique in the family with ability to say the wrong thing at the right time.

Here. Here. Here. Feed it to us. Ask for our vote. And don't forget to say, "Trust me."

Here. It's such a stupid remark coming from that family, who damn well up and down the ranks KNOW they are wealthy. But it's a family where counterproductive remarks abound. Generation to generation. Perhaps she's been "brainwashed" to not feel wealthy?

It is almost worth another sidebar poll. "Do you consider ... ?"


___________FURTHER UPDATE___________
Well, the soundbite moment from the Romney-robo-spouse could have been worse than, "I don't feel wealthy." She might have said, "I don't feel wealthy, since, you know it's not as if Mitt had the power to fire Rush Limbaugh."

Arguably, he does.

A friend publishing an email alert service in Minnesota, forwarded an organization's emailing which notes what's not been emphasized enough about the reach of Romney private-sector wealth and power through Bain Capital:

Thanks to your help, Rush Limbaugh’s radio show sponsors are dropping like flies following his despicable, misogynistic attacks on Georgetown law student and women’s reproductive health advocate Sandra Fluke.

But we can’t stop now. Limbaugh’s attacks were so beyond the pale that nothing short of his full and permanent removal from the Clear Channel radio network will do. And you’ll never guess who has the purse strings to pull to help make that happen - one Mitt Romney.

That’s right. Bain Capital, Romney’s former private equity firm that continues to pay him millions of dollars a year, has a major stake in Clear Channel, Limbaugh’s platform for repulsive anti-woman rhetoric.

Romney is benefiting financially from Limbaugh’s anti-woman rhetoric, and all eyes are now on him to demand that Clear Channel fire him today.

Romney’s Bain Capital makes millions each year due to their shares in Clear Channel. And Mitt brushed off Limbaugh’s deplorable rhetoric, sheepishly replying “That’s not the language I would have used.”

What language would Romney have used exactly? Does that mean he still agrees with Limbaugh’s sentiments?

Time for Romney to put his money where his mouth is. If he truly condemns Limbaugh’s disgusting sexist remarks, then he should do the right thing and demand Clear Channel take him off the air. Given his substantial financial ties, they’d have to listen.

Okay, some of that email's rhetoric reaches far in its way, its direction. However, if you want to join a petition effort there are some petitions better than others. Decide for yourself which deserves your time. Rush only talks to like-minded people. If you want to find him on the radio spectrum, you can. Others set car presets to NPR. Folks differ. If Rush were to disappear tomorrow morning there are others, ones who'd do it in his place and for even less money.

Breitbart's thing is being carried on by his acolytes, etc., and did you ever expect anything but that when the guy croaked? Scorpions are far from extinct. Each doing what a scorpion does. On instinct. Plus you stop milking a cash cow when it runs dry, no sooner. Breitbart's gone but the cow is still producing.