
Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Yet another Highway 10 death - this one at Thurston Ave.

ABC Newspapers reports. The string of lights starting in Anoka and through Ramsey need to be replaced - the amount of traffic justifies building limited access freeway at least as far as the Hwy. 101 - 169 ramp in Elk River. Handling the tracks and traversing Elk River will be a harder task, and may require more time. The Armstrong intersection improvements in Ramsey is a start to fixing the dangers. The traffic volume makes business ingress-egress along the highway a hazard. In anticipation of improvements, Ramsey has bought up land. It is time that MnDOT makes a move. We do not need to wait for a bridge to Dayton, which may or may not ever happen, to improve the high-traffic death trap.

Now, when contractors will bid low and when stimulus funding would help reduce unemployment is when the work should be done. Zygi's stadium can wait. Infrastructure needs are greater, and necessary. A need and not a New Jersey tycoon's want.