
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Who will be the big winner from redistricting? One guess ...

First, not any particular realty firm or outlet, but this site had the best online generic photo, so it gets a mention.

Conflicted situations outside of the Anoka County part of the north metro are still being reported, e.g., Strib, here.

The "hit" has been bipartisan. Strib reports of John Marty, DFL, and Matt Dean, GOP, each having another incumbent of his own party to now contest things, to move, or to work out horse trading. I know little to nothing about Dean and his opponent, I know John Marty is first rate and I am credibly told that Mary Jo McGuire who now is placed in the same district as Marty is equally a first rate person.

As to the photo, Strib has reported:

The map released by a judicial panel last week also held a nasty surprise for first-term Sen. Al DeKruif. The Madison Lake Republican finds himself in a district that includes his home -- and 96 percent of a district that Fairmont Republican Sen. Julie Rosen has represented for a decade. Only two of the townships he represented are in the new district that pits him against a Senate powerhouse.

DeKruif said he has talked to Rosen. "She feels that this is her district ... and I understand that," he said. Taking the weekend to mull his prospects, DeKruif has concluded he will not wage a fight against Rosen and is thinking of moving to a nearby Senate district that lacks an incumbent.

It might not be a stampede that revitalizes the housing market, but at least there is talk of moving to better a chance to remain in the legislature.

Legislators who are realtors may do best. I can envision them handing out business cards to colleagues. Across the aisle, in a true bipartisan spirit.