
Friday, February 03, 2012

Latest current reporting on the Komen-Planned Parenthood situation.

Strib carries and AP feed, here. Also, the AP feed detailing Mayor Bloomberg's public stance, carried here, by Strib:

Bloomberg is a Democrat turned Republican turned independent. He says politics "have no place" in health care. He says he wants people to join him in "standing with Planned Parenthood to protect" women's health.

Earlier Crabgrass on the Komen decision, anticipating fallout, here. The blackout of the Komen blog site has ended, with that organization showing itself not blogging about key events, i.e., a word search there for "planned" getting no hits; ditto for "planned parenthood."


The main Komen website is here. Readers are invited to search for the Komen position statement, re Planned Parenthood. Hint: message board link off the homepage:

We regret that these new policies have impacted some longstanding grantees, such as Planned Parenthood, but want to be absolutely clear that our grant-making decisions are not about politics.

And they have the gall to caption that post, "Straight Talk from Ambassador Nancy G. Brinker Friday, February 03, 2012 9:40 AM".

Uh-huh. Sure, if you say so. And being so straight and to the point as to put mention of Planned Parenthood in the closing paragraph of an otherwise nothing-burger post - after the straighter talk, I guess. Give me a break, Ms. Ambassador Brinker. It was pure politics and nothing but politics and it shall be read as such despite dissembling (where silence would have been a better choice then what was posted).