
Friday, February 03, 2012

James E. Norman - latest info on Ramsey's former City Administrator, since severance with Albert Lea

Last newspaper trail from Albert Lea Tribune suggests that some harbored the feeling that Norman and another city official were treated differently over use of city provided credit cards; here, here and here.

LinkedIn currently, on its non-member public listings, has:

Based on that, an SoS search revealed a current Assumed Name filing, (for a business name not identical to a corporation name, or an individual name). Norman & Associates Consulting, appears from the filing to be a proprietorship. SoS filings list other "Norman & Associates" listings which despite name similarity appear unrelated to this one.

The screen capture below shows a business dba filed in 2007, (running to 2017), with the filing done by James E. Norman.

It is unclear from that single record whether the Ramsey address in the SoS records was that of Norman when initially filing, and was not updated; or whether Norman has relocated to Ramsey, presently.

Any reader with better info than the two public records show is asked to add a comment.

The above LinkedIn page, just below the screen capture cutoff, listed this website, which interestingly states:

Consulting Services
Government Services provides a wide list of services, principally to units of local government. Services include day to day implementation of development activities, particularly for communities that do not have their own in-house staff or development department; preparation of plans and grants; administration of special projects (such as downtown revitalization), programs (promotional/marketing, training, outreach call to businesses, etc.) and studies (Market Assessments, Land Use Planning, Market Feasibility Analysis, Comprehensive Housing Analysis, Senior Housing Analysis, etc.).

Intergovernmental Lobbying
Government officials are continuously making public policy decisions that affect the vital interests of their constituents. Public officials need to receive factual information from affected interests and to know such parties' views in order to make informed policy judgments. In exercising their rights to try to influence public policy, interested parties often choose to employ professional representatives to monitor developments and advocate their positions. Government Services have an effective record of professional lobbying and can provide the necessary services needed for your agency.

No names are named on that website, a generic "" email address is given there, and a few page links indicate a site that is still under construction. It is unclear whether James Norman has ever done any lobbying. Things are confusing, with this SoS filing from mid-November of last year:

That gives an address for Norman in Waconia.

Afton is where Norman once worked and where Engstrom's address is. Norman is not presently registered with the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board as a lobbyist. Engstrom's lobbying details may be viewed by a name search, at this CFB records page.

The Waconia address on the SoS record is given both as Norman's and as the principal place of business.

The evidence suggests the Ramsey address for the "Norman & Associates Consulting" record is outdated.