
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Interesting intra-party GOP viewpoints in end-of-month posting by Andy A. at Residual Forces, re Jungbauer-Benson - Minn. SD 31.

The blog's home address is

As to the headline: see, e.g., this link, with Andy's link-back to his earlier comments on a special Northstar trip. (Somebody's ego trip, several somebodies.) A quote within that post:

I heard it right out of the horses mouth on the Late Debate. Sorry Tim, but the honest answer happened already.

Senator Jungbauer doesn’t trust the Republican process. I’m far more than just a blogger, I have been very involved in politics so the little shot at us just being bloggers just proves the disconnect with the grassroots… You have no idea how involved the bloggers who caught Jungbauer trashing the endorsement process are and it will come back to bite you. We are VERY involved. Like so involved that when politicians take the endorsement for granted but then run off and support all sorts of liberal policies and projects….

Preferential Pork Or Pohlad Express – Update

There is only one conservative in this race. There is only one candidate who believes in the endorsement process and trusts their fellow Republicans to pick the best person to represent the Republican grassroots on the ballot. There is only one candidate who is a servant. Jungbauer is not that candidate.

[link in original]

So, what's in a name? This "endorsement process" thing, it's name doesn't suggest it has piranha teeth to bite and hold. Andy defines it as not a benign thing, but rather one with passions attached.

It might just be some people favor some people over other people. It might not. I favored Perovich over Jungbauer. Before that Starr over Jungbauer. There seems a consistency of some sort.

What struck me, "There is only one candidate who is a servant. Jungbauer is not that candidate." That's not the DFL outside the tent. It's all within. Back and forth, perhaps.

Things are interesting in new SD 31, we live in interesting times. I expect there may be more on that GOP endorsement situation posted before long, at Residual Forces, and I, for one. have bookmarked Andy's site well before this because he is someone who speaks his mind whether you agree or not.

I wonder who will run DFL, in SD 31 (as endorsed DFL candidate, presumably, i.e., without a primary).