
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Gabriela Guillen said that student research into the UW budget had found more than 150 non-faculty positions in which the salary is more than $165,000 a year — about what Gov. Chris Gregoire makes. "This is a public university, not a business," Guillen, a sociology major, said to a burst of applause.

This link. Also, see here.

Hanging public-university students out to dry is not a unique legislative sport to Minnesota. This link,

Do you suppose that scrutiny of the Minnesota higher education budget would find as many as 150 non-faculty positions that earn about the same pay as our governor? More than 150?

Any student out there getting hammered on tuition costs at the U.Minn TC campus, please look at the budget and post a comment for Crabgrass readers. Worse than Washington state, about the same, or better?

What about an Occupy the Regency, where the Board of Regents facilities are occupied by students leaving behind Ramen soup packages as a sign of the lifestyle our legislature imposes? Sviggum on the board, at what pay, while a GOP legislative functionary as his primary occupation and passion?