
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA, PIPA blackout.

For one day, today, the Crabgrass banner is modified, along with the "blackout" effort. It's all symbolic, and Obama has quesitoned such legislation, as presently written. This Google, SOPA. This, PIPA. Wikipedia on SOPA. Do you remember Christopher Dodd?

Google's main page one day, today, protest appearnace:

Should anyone notice, the altered Crabgrass banner continues. I think the statement is worth going beyond a day of protest and notice. I may go back to the regular banner next week, but for now, No on SOPA, on PIPA.

Friday, Jan. 20 - Crabgrass banner restored to normal. SOPA/PIPA news indicates the web-wide effort was effective; herehere, here and here. This Google News. With the four remaining GOP pres-candidates clucking correctly, House and Senate lobby-owned Republicans might be hesitant to presently lick the feeding hand. Ditto among Democrats, where Obama's been lukewarm and Reid backed away from a floor vote. The effort is more likely shelved temporarily than dead. Stay alert. Now if only we could get the so-called Patriot Act nullified. Ron Paul favors that.

____________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Andy at Residual Forces properly twice dumps on Klobuchar's co-sponsorship of SOPA. Here and here. Does she know what she's doing? Not this time. Other than following what staff/lobbyists tell her. In my mind, her stances on SOPA/PIPA and the internet, on sulfide mining, and on the bridge to nowhere, (from Stillwater - to Scott Walker land), show a disturbing lack of anything but ill-informed, indifferent middle of the road same old, same old.

Is there a progressive to oppose her in a primary. Jack Nelson -- Yo, duty calls.