
Sunday, January 22, 2012

The reigning champion, NEWT, The Amphibian of South Carolina.

this link, for the list

Of that author's three points, I think he saved the best for last:

3. Mitt Romney is vulnerable. I don’t just mean because he finished second in South Carolina either. He was mortally wounded by a question that should have left the battle scar equivalent to a paper cut. How he failed to prepare himself for a question about his tax returns absolutely baffles me. I’m certain the Romney camp will look back on that moment and wonder if it cost him the race or – at the very least – added several weeks to his primary campaign.

I'd like to see the stratospheric Romney papers, being nosy that way, but how could real, regular people relate to that kind of numbers? It would only pile it on to see detail of the man's obscene level of wealth while we, the rest of us, face the economy folks like Romney have created for us to endure.

Beyond that, I think the author of that opening item saw the real reason Gingrich won so strongly, but discounted it. If Romney cannot get Brock Lesnar's endorsement, it will be all over but the death rattles.

PiPress carries a McClatchy and an AP feed, on the Gingrich win. Here and here.