
Monday, January 23, 2012

ALEC and who, are real close, close as thieves? Who else? Where the little tramp is getting his campaign cash?

ALEC, this Google. This screen capture, from here:

click to enlarge and read

So, who would be caught anywhere near such a scuzzy operation? Who else?

And, from the ALEC website itself, the brochure is free, (see below image), the memberships are not - after all it is hob-nobbing with refinery-stink-smells-like-money-to-them elite, as they see themselves, their self-indulgent Koch habits. And, oh, look. There's that phony little tramp again, he's "everywhere ALEC" ---

click to enlarge and read

Can you connect dots?

Where did the little tramp get "Drill Here, Drill Now"?