
Monday, December 19, 2011

When you're hot you're hot -

As hot as the stuff in the auto trunk in Repo Man? Latest GOP soap saga event - Mike Parry the Great Walz Challenger - went negative and got hat tips from "Politics in Minnesota," this link; as well as fawning from the Young Republicans. But what else would you expect?

Then Parry found himseelf exposed to that stuff in the car trunk.

This Google. This one too. This Bluestream Prairie brief excerpt [links in original]:

And amid the chaos, the Emo Senator [State Senator Mike Parry (R), now challenging Rep. Tim Walz (D) for the Walz seat in Congress] has been betrayed in his bromance with the Dark Lord of Conservative Politics, Mike Brodkorb.

Last week began on a high note. Our star scored with a triumph of earned media placement, in Politics in Minnesota. Had Michael Brodkorb and Ben Golnik not been working as unpaid volunteers, loyal fans would have thought they were earning their keep with the publication of Mike Parry draws on visibility of his state Senate seat to bolster his campaign for Congress.

Jake Grovum reported:

Facing down Dayton, taking on unions and playing champion for conservative causes will likely further endear Parry to activists when the time comes to choose between him and Quist, the only other Republican currently seeking the nomination.

Both are sufficiently conservative to win over the base, observers say, but Parry’s anti-labor position in St. Paul could prove an asset against Quist, who some deride as a perennial candidate. (One Republican called him “the Ole Savior of GOP politics.”)

. . .Parry has also surrounded himself with well-known Republican operatives such as Ben Golnik and former Minnesota GOP Deputy Chairman Michael Brodkorb.

Ah yes! Emo had earned the respect and admiration of the Dark Lord himself, de facto Senate Majority Leader Brodkorb, who actually punched the time clock to the tune of $94,000/year serving as communications head and executive assistant to titular Majority Leader Amy Koch.

Mike's undying affection for Mike was reported far and wide; typical of the stories delineating the bond between the two men is this report about the campaign kickoff in the New Ulm Journal:

Brodkorb said he jumped at the chance to assist Parry because of the close, personal relationship they share. He said he met Parry during the special election and they had good personal chemistry.

"[Parry] is one of the few candidates it would be difficult for me to remain neutral with. [MNGOP] by-laws prohibit me from supporting a candidate before the nomination.

"When he wanted me, I felt duty bound to be transparent about supporting Parry." [...]

Wow. Ninety-four grand - nothing to sneeze at - rubbed away. Down the tubes. What's Brodkorb going to be doing now for money? The stuff in the trunk. Once the trunk's been open, it's been seen, it is not going to draw a big immediately adjacent devil-may-care following.