
Thursday, December 01, 2011

A Ron Paul video posted, and some honestly expressed thoughts. Not mine - from inside the tent.

Residual Forces, here (the post), here (the video). Newt always impressed me as so much himself - so wholly unprincipled - that he could make Lee Atwater and Jesse Helms ashamed to have been Republicans.

If you have trouble with the video link, go directly to the RF link, again:

It is refreshing (to me) to see Ron Paul not so enraptured by Reagan's Eleventh Commandment that he would not call out a weasel for being a weasel. It looks almost as if he could live easier with Romney as nominee than Gingrich.

Or is it simply one candidate in Iowa looking at which other one to shoot at first? I hope Republicans post comments here, one way or the other. I think the video effort reflects well on Ron Paul, but those who think differently are invited and encouraged to offer civilized commentary to this post.

CS Monitor reports on the video here. Also, this Google News link. FURTHER UPDATE: Do we need Ron Paul to tell us the truth about Newt? We have NY Times. Here. Here. Newt earned his money the old fashioned way. He lobbied.