
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

An R.I.P. to go along, but on a bigger stage, with Koch and Brodkorb.

Krugman, here. His closing words, "useless and irrelevant," is exactly what their henchmen rendered Koch and Brodkorb in the future. Aside from the fact they deserved it, each for his/her politics and Brodkorb having that high paying Senate job while being little but an uber-partisan hatchet man, the immorality of that and not dalliance, aside from the other truths in things one truth is that propaganda can take victims. The annoying incessant Dominionist stream of GOP "family values" propaganda did not hold the two hostage because their four henchmen saw to that via a public scorn session. Instead of hostage, amid rumor, the henchmen's session opted instead for victimhood, with Koch and Brodkorb scorned and chastened to a status of uselessness and irrelevance. For the holidays.

And there already is the start of a bevy of Repubs knocking over tombstones in a frenzy of seeking out to be the new Caesar, top dog, lead pony. Leaving generous presents under the tree for one another, doubtlessly. Tidings of comfort and joy.