
Friday, December 30, 2011

The Republican Party of Minnesota might be well advised to consider running racino gambling in their party headquarters lobby.

Strib reports, today, online here:

Minnesota Republican Party officials are pulling the curtain back on what they call "ugly stuff" in their finances.

The party says it's $1.3 million in debt, and that doesn't include $719,000 in legal expenses that may eventually go against their ledger.

Top officials ran through their balance sheet at a news conference Friday in St. Paul. Jeff Johnson, who chaired a review committee, says the review is a first step toward mending finances. Johnson says the next steps will come after Republicans elect a new chairman on Saturday in St. Cloud.
A slogan, "At MnGOP you pay to play." And they could sell naming rights, for putting at the bottom, blank part of the sign. If naming rights find no buyer put the slogan there.

Strib has a more complete report online now, here.

I checked the comment thread there. It is long and growing. I will post my comment here.

They need reorganization help, and should try Bain Capital. Or Scott Wilson to trim payroll.

_____________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Probably the most detailed coverage online, MPR, here and here. The only place I looked at comment threading was Strib, and it was about what could be expected. Not particularly insightful after the reporting. If any readers find helpful commentary, please add a comment.