
Friday, December 02, 2011

Gary Gross has a post about Hugh Hewitt's Dec. 1, latest "insights" into GOP politics. A Newt-Mitt thing.

Gary Gross's post, here. Hewitt's, here. Context regarding Newt Gingrich from April 2010, here, source of this quote:

FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting) offers additional commentary and the full text of the GOPAC memo, "Language: A Key Aspect of Control". Written in 1995, shortly after Georgia Republican Newt Gingrich became Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, the article notes the new speaker's observation that "fights make news" and emphasis on the importance of "issue shields" to deflect criticism. After reading the memo, it appears to still carry considerable influence in the ways that many members of the GOP communicate, although the vocabulary has been expanded.

Gary Gross notes a belief the Dems will attack any candidate that becomes the GOP nominee and suggests Romney might be too thin-skinned. Indirectly he seems aware that the bunch is now acting as a circular firing squad, with the non-factor Santorum on the side lines as too insignificant for now to be flakked too badly.

The 2010 blog link above, source of the quote, also posts a "Classic Doonesbury" from the mid-1990's -- so go there for a look or click the thumbnail to enlarge and read.