
Monday, December 26, 2011

EXPANSION OF GAMBLING - If the state decides to permit it the state should own it. Not tribes, not horse race capitalism. Not Zygi. The money from it should go into the general fund. Not pre-earmarked, certainly not as free government money given Zygi.

That's about it. Agree or disagree.

I find it strange that there are DFL and GOP proponents of expanding gambling, and on the other side, the side of keeping it a Tribal monopoly; with no real sense to any position and the appearance of money buying advocacy in the legislature - which is troublesome even as it becomes a commonplace perception.

Please open this link.
The strangest of things - these gambling advocates will say go that route to give Zygi a free ride at property development in Arden Hills; but will not look at spending the money from gambling, if expanded and configured to yield maximum return to the government, for something far more vital than fattening Zygi's wallet, that being saving lives and otherwise making healthcare as available to all as it is successfully available to military veterans.