
Monday, December 05, 2011

The character of Newt Gingrich.

Moreover, after the [first] divorce, when Gingrich was in Congress and earning a good salary, the family [from Gingrich's first marriage] had to turn to their church for assistance and his ex-wife had to go to court for support payments.

His second wife, Marianne, says he proposed to her before he was divorced.

Marianne Gingrich gave a long interview to Esquire Magazine last year, recounting how her husband left her after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. He admitted there was another woman.

Later, in court proceedings, it emerged that there had been an affair that extended throughout his tenure as speaker, while he was leading the effort to impeach Clinton for lying about sex. The woman was Callista Bisek, now his third wife.

In the interview, the second Mrs. Gingrich said that when she found out about the affair, her husband asked her to just tolerate it. She said she declined.

Gingrich, according to Marianne, "believes what he says in public and how he lives don't have to be connected." A short while after this incident, Gingrich gave a speech stressing family values.


So ethically challenged that
he was Sanctioned.
Quote is from second page, Strib reporting, here.

Herman Cain looks good by comparison. Cain is not a pathological perpetual serial hypocrite.

The man is a swine.

Total. Without any redeeming feature.

He was even too scuzzy for the House, and his peers there, who imposed a $300,000 sanction for his being good ol' Newt, no more, no less.