
Sunday, December 04, 2011

Brodkorb blames Emmer for GOP status after Sutton-Brodkorb leadership withdrawal. I do not understand much inside Minnesota's GOP except that there is finger pointing.

Strib reporting online gives all I know of things happening in the GOP, (per that Stassen-Berger Dec 3 item), so read it there.

Neither the CD6 nor SD48 Republican websites have anything new up about their central party's current affairs, but for those living in the area I live here are the people Republican party folks have trusted and hence are the ones to track down and ask, "What's happening." Screenshots are from here for CD6, here for SD48 contact info, these lists.

Chairman Sutton is missing in action.
Debt rules. Round up the usual suspects.

Good luck getting a straight answer from anyone, and if you only ask one person on those lists you might not get a composite picture of insider GOP " thought" ("feelings" possibly being the better word).

Schadenfreude? - Ya betcha.  May they finally sort things out as well as things look right now. May they regard themselves as living in interesting times.

Minn Post has not covered the story in any helpful way I can discern from a quick look at their website.

PiPress appears to be lagging Strib on reporting, this being the only recent story found via a Google = pioneer press minnesota republicans

Readers with helpful and informative links are asked to offer them via the comments toggle Blogger provides readers.


Which one is Moe?
(photo from Dump Bachmann, this link)