
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Borrow and spend Republicans bring in a fiscal top man.

Borrow and spend seems as much a Republican anchor as Tom Pritchard and his minions are. Reagan did it. Bush financed war mongering by borrow and spend. But Minnesota Republicans appear to want to be different.

Strib reports here, but without any real background on who this Mike Vekich person is, his background and track record. And in saying track record, no, he's not been on any Cantebury Downs board or commission I know of.

Okay, a simple Google, one Strib folks could have done, yields info, here, here, and here.

Have a look. But there is this question: If he undoes the GOP love for borrow and spend, how will they ever still be able to call themselves Republicans? They will be RINO without their calling-card borrow and spend mentality. A duck out of water. A family without its core borrow-spend values. A rudderless boat adrift in a sea of - what - inappropriate relationships? What could ever be more inappropriate than Republicans NOT at the borrow-and-spend trough? Next thing you know they will consider - but only consider - taxing the rich.

Pigs will be flying if the Minnesota and national GOP ever really turns its back on borrow and spend.

But, why worry, the Vekich guy's been a baseball park maven, and that was built all with borrowed money, and he's been Emmer's recount point man, or so the one item said, and some finger-pointing has been at the costs run up (borrow and spend costs) in that "doomed from the start" effort where Emmer no way would make it out of a 7000 vote hole but with the GOP having had a taste of recount mania with the Norm, and appearing to like it. To like it -- Especially if you don't have to pay to play, where you just borrow and spend.