
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Beating up on Marcus Bachmann again, and again for the wrong reasons.

This link.

Marcus Bachmann's sexual orientation, whatever it may be, however complicated or ambiguous, is his business and Michele's unless it has a public dimension.

What should be criticized is the man posturing as a twenty-first century faith healer, and the Minnesota Department of Health and Human Services giving him public cash subsidies for his faith healing practices. It is far, far, far from mainstream psychological and psychiatric science to say "Jesus cures." Bachmann and clinic staff do exactly that.

The one dimension of the Bachmann and Associates clinic's faith healing agenda that has drawn substantial publicly expressed criticism, and a Bachmann public rebuttal, is reported here; yet, it is but one part of an entire whole that is suspect and should not be subsidized with public money - church and state being appropriately separate things in our nation, altogether and entirely, and for as long as our nation lasts. This offends, not as a belief the Bachmanns as a matter of basic liberty may hold, but that the clinic gets given public money, with this:

It is blatently that way from the earliest Internet Archive WayBack Machine capture showing an explicitly linked treatment approach entailing the Christian belief-system: