
Thursday, November 10, 2011

When does political flexibility degenerate to merely serving personal expediency, and then degenerate further to pure duplicity?

Not today's news, but worthy news to keep in mind when politicians say, "Trust me ...".

Bachmann’s clinic takes in thousands from “socialized medicine”
By Andy Birkey -- Minnesota Independent
Monday, May 17, 2010 at 2:00 pm

Bachmann and Associates, Inc., a Christian mental health clinic founded and run by Rep. Michele Bachmann’s husband, has been taking money from Minnesota’s coffers since it was founded in 2003. It’s the latest example of a disjuncture in Bachmann’s rhetoric: the Sixth District Republican has seen her star rise in Tea Party circles for fiery rhetoric opposing government “handouts” and “socialized medicine,” while, again, she’s found to be directly benefiting from government funds. [...]

In recent months, Rep. Bachmann has sharply criticized efforts by Democrats to offer a “public option” or a public health insurance plan, calling such ideas “socialized medicine.”

In November 2009, as she was gearing up for her House Call tea party to oppose health care reform, she said, “This is the most effective way we have to kill socialized medicine and to do it this week.”

[...] Information from the state’s Transparency and Accountability Project (TAP) shows the Bachmann’s earning $27,564 in state payments since 2007. The clinic likely received more, since TAP’s online data only records payouts given since 2007.

[...] Jim Duffett of the Campaign for Better Health Care called Bachmann’s words and actions hypocritical.

Yes, she is taking money from government programs, which she calls ‘socialism,’ and at the same time taking taxpayers money to help cover the clinic’s health care costs,” he said. Her family business is taking in taxpayer money, he said, “and at the same time demanding that taxes be cut.”

“Rep. Bachmann’s opposition to public health coverage seems quite selective,” added Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA, a health care consumers group. “When it helps her pocketbook she is for it. When it enables working families to attain affordable health coverage, she’s against it.”

He added, “This double standard harms working families in Minnesota and across the nation.” [...]

[emphasis added]

Never mind the cushy twenty-seven grand of taxpayer's schmozolas.
 That's separate.  Special.  Different.
Marcus works hard. We pray together. Our pennies are all earned.
I am against socialism. I oppose subsidies. End of story. Believe me.
This tea bag is proof. Fine print on the bottom you cannot read from there says,
"100% pure anti-socialism tea. To be held aloft. Loudly."
That's what I am doing. Holding it aloft. I am loudly Anti-Socialism. Trust me.