
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Teach the children well.

Here. Kansas can be krazy. Speech as a treasured thing in our nation says, "Ouch."

An appropriate apology? "I am sorry I tweeted 'mean' when I should have tweeted 'appropriate.' It's just that Twitter's 140 character limit favors single syllables."

UPDATE: A standoff, this link. Student and parent agree, she can say to friends on Twitter what she wants. Gov. Brownback speaks via a spokeswoman - he was dissed. School principal does not return AP phone calls. How do some get to be high school principals, in Kansas? Don't they have standards?

FINAL UPDATE: Student Sullivan tweets about no apology - from her. Brownback apologizes, staff overreacted (and the dog ate the office copy of the Bill of Rights).

Now if that high school principal does the decent thing and apologizes, and eats a copy of the Bill of Rights to show true penance, ...

The school district handled its PR disaster, by saying, not us as noted at end of reporting about guv-staff, ...

Last link has this quote proving something, I am sure

Before the incident last week, Sullivan had 65 followers on Twitter. The number of followers swelled to more than 9,000, more than doubling the number of people who signed up to follow tweets from the governor.

Should the principal be fired for trying to be a real suck-up to the guv, and setting such a sorry example for young people? Is that within the purview of GOP education reform policy? Doubtful.