
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Revolving door dirtbags produce a memo.

This link.

According to reporting here, by Politico, these genius cash solicitors are former Boehner aides.

Crossroads GPS has dropped a more than $500,000 on a buy for an ad attacking Warren for her support of OWS, suggesting that it means she endorses drugs, violence and the radical redistribution of wealth. And last week, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes got hold of a memo written in part by two former aides to House Speaker John Boehner now working for a Washington lobbying firm offering the firm’s services to the American Bankers Association to conduct “opposition research” and craft “negative narratives” about Occupy Wall Street.

Pelosi raised money off the memo, trying to harness the potential attack to energize Democrats, but as David Weigel noted, pointedly did not mention Occupy Wall Street in her appeal.

Did I say, "dirtbags?" I meant to.

NOTE: I did not say cheap dirtbags. $850,000 is not a chump change solicitation.

This Google.

As to the Crossroads GPS junkyard-dog viciousness, I will say "Karl Rove" so that saying "dirtbags" there is redundant.

Rove is a throwback on the evolutionary ladder. And that's talking kindly of him.

When it's about dirtbags, Herman Cain has his share. But with bipartisanship history. Dirtbagging both sides of the street?