
Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Paul Levy in Strib North Metro coverage highlights the Diamond City Bread bakery, in Elk River. Try it. You'll like it.

It is an excellent review. Clearly, Levy shops there and likes it. Read it. HERE.

I have archived a copy, because Strib items too frequently go offline in a few weeks.

This one is a keeper. The bakery is excellent. Here's where it is - a short half-block off of Highway 10, in Elk River's old established downtown area between Highway 10 and the River. Jackson Street is the second light heading northwest on Highway 10, towards Becker. A left turn, on-street angle parking along the block, or park in a lot behind the building row.

In an earlier Crabgrass post the bakery was featured - because quality is important and deserves mention. This link.