
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

P3 -- passion, patience and persistence.

Sakry of ABC Newspapers posts a detailed report on the Ramsey Rail Revery.

Here. This quote [italics added]:

Just hours before the celebratory ride, the Ramsey rail station was a proposed project and now, with the kick-off event, “we move into the construction phase,” Look said.

Hours prior to the ride, the Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB) approved the final $2 million for the project.

CTIB will provide $3 million and the Metropolitan Council $1.3 million for the project. State legislators included $4 million for the station in the 2011 state bonding bill.

The project is also receiving $3 million from ACRRA and the city will be contributing $4.75 million for the station and the walkway to the station to the parking ramp.

When the station is built and service begins by the end of 2012, Ramsey will add 200 rides a day to the line and over one year there will be approximately 51,00 [sic]more rides, a 10 percent increase, Look said.

That it what passion, patience and persistence can accomplish,” he said.

Wow, passion, patience and persistence - that's P3.

And Landform's slides said P3 was Public Private Partnership.

Ramsey payes regular money, Landform accepts, so I suppose it's a partnership.

I tried a thought experiment. P-words all in a bag, shook up, three pulled out:

Payments procure pork.

Pure chance, those words, that order.

Try it yourself, see what you get.

Tried it again.


Same word. Three times. You know - It makes as much sense, more sense, than any of the other P3 carnival barking going on.