
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Is Aplikowski a step up from Bachmann, who has even been abandoned by track suit drummer-pastor Bradlee Dean?

Aplikowski, here. In a way, he's not Bachmann and that is a major step one to being better.

Bradlee Dean, reported at Dump Bachmann, here.

Set Bradlee Dean aside as the inconsequential turkey he is. Clearly the rift with Bachmann is an ego-clash. Two sicko mega-egos bumping each other one time too many.

Andy Aplikowski. If we have to have a Republican in CD6, with demographics suggesting we are so stuck, I think Tripple A is a better one than the incumbent from Oral Roberts University who chased low income Native Americans while she worked as a tax collector (a brief stint, with her major adult working life spent as a career politician).

Triple A comes with a lot, lot, lot less baggage.

Less grandstanding. Less love of the limelight.

Even likeable, in a way. For a Republican.