
Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I hope ABC Newspapers looks at this hummer, Strib reporting, and sees if there's any message behind the message.

Anoka County is seeking $2 million in compensation for a package it created to try to land a Vikings stadium in Blaine five years ago — a playbook the County Board’s chairwoman says Ramsey County used to lure the team to Arden Hills.

The proposal by Rhonda Sivarajah drew a response of “huh?” in Ramsey County.

Sivarajah at first suggested that Ramsey County pay the $2 million — which she called a “conservative estimate” — for using an Anoka County plan the Vikings publicly sacked in 2006. After a vigorous discussion, she said the money should instead come from the state and only if racino proceeds help to fund a stadium in Arden Hills.

“If the state decides their priority is to use proceeds from racino to fund a Vikings stadium in Ramsey County, then Anoka County should be reimbursed $2 million, which was utilized to develop the financial package that Ramsey County is essentially using,” Sivarajah said later.

When Anoka County devised its plan five years ago, racino wasn’t part of the picture. It was that plan, again without racino , that Sivarajah said Ramsey County used.

“I know Ramsey County has requested information from us,” she said. “It’s only appropriate that the citizens of Anoka County be reimbursed.”

That was a dumb endangerment proposed to sensitive wetlands, for Zygi, who is Crabgrass and an invasive species of it, from New Jersey. I am so glad it collapsed as the very bad idea it was. Not for lack of publicly elected officials willing to prostitute Anoka County land, but I guess from Zygi hiking for wanting greener pastures [vs. wetlands].

Zygi can live with brownfield, as long as somebody besides Zygi pays for the remediation to bring it to a level where he can land speculate and feel important even with such a crappy team as he's fielding without spending much in free agency over the last few years. Except for the old burned-out quarterback from Mississippi. Zygi's idea of -- what? You tell me.

I understand that Anoka County has legislators, and that the legislature must allocate money according to schemes and dreams zygi [I am going to quit capitalizing his name, since he won't capitalize jack] wants where the State gives him tons of free money. I expect that if the Anoka County board is unhappy without getting two million from Ramsey County that Republicans talk to one another and Ramsey County might have more difficulty getting free state money for zygi, by a few votes without paying the two million, but then again, such things might not be actual factors at all.

BOTTOM LINE: Rhonda, I want two million out of Ramsey County's fisc too. I will accept cash, check, or wire transfer. I, like Anoka County, have not done any single real thing to deserve such a payment, but nonetheless I want it.

I want the money because I wanted a stadium referendum back when the Anoka County Board was trying to do its sales tax cramdown. Neither of us will get Ramsey County cash.

Best argument Rhonda -- Anoka County's plan was to at all costs dodge letting citizens vote. No referendum, nohow.

And now , clearly, that is the same strategy Ramsey County is taking so they clearly lifted the Anoka County blueprint.

Give me a break. Rhonda, please, please, please. Give up the nonsense.