
Friday, November 25, 2011

A half-month old, not news, but vintage Bachmann instead.

This link. This quote, photo from item.

I am not my brother's keeper.
I am not Marcus' keeper.
I am not keeper of our clinic's staff.
They earn us a profit is all.
Let them eat death? 
Many conservatives argue that the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional on the grounds that it violates the Tenth Amendment, which says powers not explicitly spelled out in the Constitution should be left to the states. It's less common for critics to argue that the health care law violates the Tenth Commandment, but that's exactly what GOP presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) did today.

Speaking at the Family Research Council, Bachmann declared that President Obama's policies — and especially the Affordable Care Act — amount to "the most ambitious social engineering project in the history of the United States" and "a leap beyond the New Deal and the Great Society." According to Bachmann, "The Tenth Commandment, which teaches that we should not covet what belongs to our neighbor" is a better "principle for good government that's worked historically in the United States."

Has anyone asked? Are the workers at Bachmann & Associates still without healthcare insurance, as in the past, or have the Bachmann spouses finally had conscience pangs about that?

Hey, these guys seem special - beyond being the spousal cash-cow profit center. From here:


“Truth in advertising, You really should be more upfront of how incredible you guys really are. I loved my experience from the first phone call I made, to the awesome counseling I received and how professional and helpful your billing staff were. Now would you start a clinic in Rochester?!!!”

“I have been to several counselors for my “issues” not until I saw one of your counselors did I receive direct and insightful information to why I kept hitting a stone wall. The counseling I received gave me the courage and the steps to really change my life.”

So, covered or not? Beloved and valued, or pray you don't get sick? It cannot be both. It is one or the other.

For any who would question the headlining -- "Vintage Bachmann" there is this blast from the past.

And this. The simple question still begs Mainstream Media attention.