
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

FLAHERTY & COLLINS: Latest news item my Google Alert flagged on the firm.

Since I have been critical and skeptical about the firm, this item is very positive; and in fairness I should post this link to it. Muncie, IN, item dated Nov. 14.

Please have a look. It is about a building rehab effort, reportedly one of several FC is doing in Muncie, with private money involved.

I was happy to read such a positive item, given that we've been locked in by the council to their rental thing in Town Center. I am not saying let's all sing Kumbaya, locking hands with Flaherty, Collins, and each of our esteemed council members. But it's better news than some, especially about the condo project that was reported as having gone sour in the Chicago area.

Again, this link - and I have no idea of how long that news outlet keeps reporting online so that if you miss it now you might find only a dead link later.

Flaherty & Collins does put "news" pages on its website, and might post this one since it is so favorable.

Again, in fairness, if you've read the link (as suggested - after all you either read it or have only my take on things), a lot of the attraction in low-income housing renewal has to do with tax credit gaming, something Flaherty's PNC bank in Pittsburgh is skilled at manipulating (or at least they tout themselves as so skilled, on the corporate website). Not that provision of low income housing is a bad goal, and that incentives offered to beguile moneyed interests into spending that way are unhelpful, but where are the "free-marketeers" when there's tax credit money to be made? Where are they and their complaining about government intrusions biasing things?