
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cain campaign. Follow the money. CREW did exactly that and has an FEC complaint filed from the effort.

This link, to view a synopsis of the FEC complaint filed by CREW against Cain and "Prosperity USA," and against Mark Block personally and as treasurer of "Friends of Herman Cain." Both the complaint and supporting documents are downloadable from the CREW link.

I wish they'd have bought me one of those spiffy iPads.

Not that I'd buy one per se, but if some slush fund's handing them out like Cracker Jacks prizes I would not turn one down.

This quote:

The complaint also alleges Mr. Block personally violated the Federal Election Campaign Act by authorizing the illegal corporate contributions as president of Prosperity USA, and then by accepting the illegal contributions as treasurer of Friends of Herman Cain. This makes Mr. Block the first person in the history of the Act to have both given and received the same illegal contributions. The complaint also alleges Mr. Block violated the Act by failing to disclose the Prosperity USA expenditures.

CREW Executive Director Melanie Sloan stated, “As hard as Mr. Cain is trying to prove himself a different kind of candidate, he still has to play by the same rules as everyone else. It is not sufficient for the Cain campaign to investigate itself. Rather, the FEC – the federal agency charged with enforcing campaign finance laws – must look into the matter.”

[emphasis added] Block has a history, if you Google, or check this Wikipedia page, stating:

In 1974, Block became the first 18-year-old ever elected to office in Wisconsin, when he won a position on the Winnebago County Board of Supervisors.[4][5] In the late 1970s, he worked for Republican Congressman William A. Steiger until Steiger's death in 1978, and then took a job with NCR Corporation from 1979 to 1991.[6]
Block has run and consulted on numerous campaigns in Wisconsin since the 1980s. Among others, he ran Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson's first re-election campaign in 1990.[7] Following the 1997 campaign of Jon P. Wilcox for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, allegations were made by the Wisconsin Elections Board of election law violations. These were settled in 2001 when Block agreed to pay a $15,000 fine (though, without admitting any wrongdoing) and not to work on any campaigns until 2004.[4][8]
By 2007, Block was serving as the Wisconsin director of the "pro-business" political advocacy group Americans for Prosperity.[9]

(Go there to follow footnotes.) Every slush fund has its slush, Block surely being slush.

Using a slush fund and doctoring the books? You decide. Two complaint page screenshots stating the gist of the complaint.

CREW wants to flush the slush. Good for CREW.

Now, as a prelude to a wrap-up, from Politico here:

So, Citizen Cain, what flavor of ice cream is


If any reader needs further proof that Mark Block is an extreme and absolute low life, something you'd expect to see lifting a rock in moist soil, birds of a feather flock together.

This one's extremely good. It comes with reader comments.