
Friday, November 04, 2011

Better posted late than never news from the summer. Maureen Reed is Boss Alumna, or whatever the title actually is, feminine gender.

I believe alumnus is masculine gender, alumna is feminine, and alumni the plural. In any event, Boss Alumna might not be how she phrases the position. She'd been head of the Board of Regents and a long time healthcare practitioner and administrator, as well as all-too-brief candidate for Congress, Minnesota's Sixth District.

Chair of Alumni Association is the formal title. Photo from MPR.

The UMinn TC news release is here. The Alumni Association page, here. Dr. Reed is the 75th chair in the organization’s 107-year history. The news release dated June 24, 2011, notes the appointment is for 2011-12, and reappointment seems frequent from the 75 for 107 year statistic. She was an appealing candidate for Congress and should serve the UM well in this position. My recollection is she headed Health Partners for a number of years, and I have not seen reporting whether she has returned to the healthcare profession or has retired.

Had she not stepped aside to maximize Tarryl Clark's election chances, and been elected herself, we would have had the best representation in years within the district. As it is, we have Bachmann.