
Friday, October 07, 2011

With Pawlenty having run out of cash and incentive, his rats went adrift, looking for a promising landing.

Excerpting, Devin Henry at MinnPost writes:

Coleman, who lost his bid for re-election in 2008 by the narrowest of margins, had been a Tim Pawlenty supporter before Pawlenty dropped out of the race.

Now the chairman of the American Action Network and a member of the board of the Republican Jewish Coalition, Coleman praised Romney's ability to forge strong diplomatic relationships around the world, including in Israel.

Romney, meanwhile, said, "[Coleman's] advice will be critical as I lay out my vision for improving our economy at home and strengthening our partnerships around the world."

Coleman follows fellow Minnesotan Vin Weber in moving from Pawlenty to Romney.

Do you get the drift? That is restrained MinnPost, at its most restrained level. Mike Mullen at City Pages tells it better. This opening screen capture is indicative, but go to the original for the full post, and workable links.

Excitement? Norm? As in what, the before-after dental photos? Be real. "Bringing hockey back to Minnesota," seems remote from any presidential dimension that Romney might want to enlarge via expansion of the consultant group. Excitement relative to what? Romney himself? More exciting than a Mitt Romney? That's faint praise.