
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Guard your children. They are as susceptible as you to money-bag propaganda.

This post.

There clearly is a concern among the Tea Baggers' puppeteer crowd about their astroturf thunder being stolen by the Occupy Wall Street astroturf effort. So what do they do?

They buy counterpropaganda against the counterpropaganda to their propaganda. They have more than their fair share and pay less than their fair share to maintain the state that has allowed them such prosperity and wower-power. They have discretionary money, very much, for propaganda.

This Google. (From the list, this item.)

This guy pictured below was good at it, having the attitude of a present day "conservative" and then some, for doing his job as best he could, in his time, as he saw his job and enjoyed his job - despite the workload.

“Our starting point is not the individual:
We do not subscribe to the view that one should feed the hungry,
give drink to the thirsty, or clothe the naked …
Our objectives are different:
We must have a healthy people in order to prevail in the world.” 

Question: Would either of the Koch brothers* look good in that style of uniform?

Both? With one of those nice hats? (They could share one hat between them, big head size, or each could afford a separate hat, however they'd choose. Sharing a hat would make sense, one in public wearing it with the other hunkering in the bunker at all times the one's in public, never both exposed together to ordinary people - who carry diseases you can get from a handshake, etc.) Chris Christie in Vail, in uniform?

If a market develops I expect Armani would come up with a neat highest-quality, understated design.

* This image, from this blog link (click the image there to read the fine print):

Love that mountain air.

Ritz-Carlton Beaver Creek Resort - near Vail, Colorado - photo: BradBlog

Brechtesgaden - Eagle's Nest, image from here; this Wikipedia entry

_______________FURTHER UPDATE______________
I think this might relate to propaganda. From here, (send an email if you don't get it and I'll explain).

A unionized public employee, an ill-informed citizen, and a CEO are sitting at a table. In the middle of the table is a plate with a dozen cookies on it. The CEO reaches across and takes 11 cookies, looks at the ill-informed citizen and says, "Watch out for that union guy. He wants a piece of your cookie."