
Tuesday, October 04, 2011

GOP inner-party criticism of Bachmann's playing with her Sixth District incumbency.

Andy Aplikowski, a north metro GOP party official, levels the complaint that Bachmann's national strutting is leaving too much uncertainty in the congressional district. His perfect world would be having Bachmann drop back into Minnesota, if she can find the way given the extent and recency of her absence, to take on a Senate contest against DFL incumbent Amy Klobuchar - who so far has no strong primary challenger to contest her middle of the road, right leaning record.

Here is an extended excerpt from Andy's post, with the entire argument put together at his Residual Forces blog, this link.

We all know the media in Minnesota hates Michele Bachmann. She represents everything that the liberal reporters and editors in this state wish would just up and leave. They demonize us and consider us more dangerous than running with scissors. That’s why they take every liberty they can to bury her. Bury our spokesperson, and you bury us.

A glance of the major news media outlets exposes a verbatim message. Bachmann can’t win POTUS, but can she fallback to her Congressional seat.

As if the media is the kingmaker or something and not the people. The 6th District is the most conservative and Republican District in the State. You need look no further than the down ticket races in the State House & Senate. Only one Democrat is elected in a District that is mostly with in the 6th District. that’s why the DFL is so determined to redraw the 6th District into DFL play.

[...] She could bring balance to a ticket where the top is occupied by someone the base can’t tolerate, ala Palin to McCain. Maybe that’s why they are trying to demonize her so much and force her to return back to her Congressional seat which, barring major liberal gerry maundering, she’d be a lock.

I think if she does have to drop out of the POTUS and wants to run for something, she’d be far better served to seek higher office, and in higher, I mean Senate. She’d be a good option to go after Amy Klobuchar. She could easily tap into national fundraising needed to raise the millions needed to bypass the liberal media who has yet to lift a finger to expose the liberal Obama lapdog Klobuchar.

Which gets us back home and to the subject who comes after Bachmann. Why is it that the only people who could possibly run for Congress are all office holders already? [...]

[...] My personal opinion is that Bachmann owes it to her District to let us know her intentions on reelection. If she’s out, we need to know so we can mount a new campaign. Its not that I want to force her out, if she wants back in, great. But if she is gunning for VP or Senate, or the Palin-money speakers circuit and book deals, let us get to work please.

The longer this goes, without Bachmann’s return, the harder holding the seat will be. Now don’t get me wrong, as long as the Sorosphere doesn’t Gerry Mander the 6th District, it’ll stay in GOP hands, but if we can put that baby to bed early with a good candidate and army of volunteers, we can start making head waves into other Districts, not to mention reelect Cravaack.

Andy is forthright in expressing his views, and there is political sense to being distressed inside the GOP while Bachmann leaves the Sixth District situation hanging, twisting slowly in the wind.

Bachmann lacks the courage to try to run against Klobuchar.

She can see that a candidate less narrow and more appealing then her, Mark Kennedy, lost big time in trying to defeat Klobuchar when Amy lacked the incumbency advantage.

BOTTOM LINE: Michele Bachmann lacks the guts to try to unseat Amy Klobuchar. And she's substantially short on having class enough to win. She's had a plethora of defining moments showing a Bachmannian clear lack of class.

Photo source and story, this link.

Moreover, Klobuchar is loyal to and has the loyalty of a stable and capable advisory staff; something the mercurical Bachmann personality has not achieved; e.g., most recently, this link, (together with her recent showing of a warmness if not a fetish directed toward crass town clowns, e.g. here).

Indeed, it is not mere mercury, but fulminate of mercury that comes to mind in contemplating the Bachmann persona.

And then there is Mary. One more likely wanting Bachmann to take on a Senate run than Andy, one almost as blinded as Bachmann by ambition, ego, and ideology, is Sherburne County's banker for the Lord, Mary Kiffmeyer.

Kiffmeyer would have ALEC ties, backing, and the money that goes with that. She's consciously positioned herself that way. If Bachmann were to want to risk ending up chopped liver in a campaign against Klobucher, you can bet a ton of money safely that Kiffmeyer would eagerly hold her coat. And given the District, Kiffmeyer would have a better chance running with no incumbent in the district than Bachmann would ever have running statewide against Klobuchar.

However, politics is not without its surprises. That a braying ignorant buffoon like Tom Emmer got the statewide vote count he did is scary proof enough that Bachmann might, just might, win in a race against Klobucher.

Again, bottom line, Bachmann is too gutless a coward to take on that actual challenge, and will fall-back to the comforting paycheck and benefits package that goes with her having a free ticket to not effectively represent the Sixth District, grandstanding still instead, but while holding the Sixth District seat. History repeating itself -- Deja vu all over again. An ineffective egoist, happy enough where she is, but wanting a national name so strongly that she's fooling around in the GOP national spotlight - because, why else for Bachmann, it's a spotlight.

The stage-struck former cheerleader simply cannot resist the allure of it. It can be a spotlight in downtown Delano, or Elk River or the little pastor's Living Word stage; but if it's a spotlight Bachmann wants it. Craves it. Gets hot on it. It is who she is.