
Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Game's over. The Winner's been decided. Tea Party is entirely second place.

This link

Actually the article notes that "Tea Party" search traffic peaks in April, around mid-April.

This is the hummer in that report that should have the two-party mainstreamers - the traditional owners of politics as usual - wetting their pants:

Veteran Democratic Party pollster Douglas Schoen, reports the Wall Street Journal, had a researcher ask those who are physically occupying Wall Street about the comparison. The firm found that 35% of them have “goals to influence the Democratic Party the way the Tea Party has influenced the GOP.”

Barny Frank on TV once said things used to be Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi meeting with John Boehner and Mitch McConnell and working things out but with the tea party faction, it's now those four having the take recognition of the Mad Hatter and the White Rabbit. And there was the feeling that McConnell and Boehner might have not challenged that characterization too much, in private.

Now there is the hope that a progressive energizing of the same-old same-old Dems may happen, and there is nothing but good to anticipate from that. And of course, the comparable co-option efforts as the vanilla GOP has pushed for with the Tea Baggers will happen. It is inevitable. The attempt. Successful co-option is less clear a prediction.

Of course for that to come about, the Occupy movement coalescing into a real and enduring thing, the Occupy movement has to last through the Winter.

In Tahrir Square snow and cold were non-factors.

And we've all seen Network.

And we recall Kent State -&- Jackson State leading to quelled enthusiasms once the level of evil power to be unleased was brought to public awareness - and that led to the re-entrenchment of the entrenched interests.

That was the Big Nixon, and Henry K, then; i.e, total evil and meanness incarnate; so who have we now and how will they respond? Betting on an iron fist in a velvet glove has often proven wise.

Look at the carried sign in that image. It could be a leftover from a Ron Paul rally. People perhaps are showing reawakened feelings.

So who likes the banks and Wall Street, besides Bernanke, Paulsen, and Geithner? And Greenspan.