
Friday, October 14, 2011

Bill O'Reilly over the top; and Tony Perkins has developed a strange eye affliction that affects his ability to see Ron Paul right in front of him. Strange people, Republicans are.

BillO, fantesy minutes, here. Rupert must just love his number one barker. Tod Browning would.

Perkins, reported as apparently unable to see his own straw poll results as meaning somebody [guess who, the hint being initials "RP"] came out as decisively more favored among the candidates, by those within the Perkins' Dobsonian-Browningesque FRC tent show extravaganza attendees:

Perkins, their new leader and Value Voters organizer dismissed Paul's victory as an outlier and in essence denounced his own voters and the legitimacy of his own poll.

The "Values Voter" summit was held in Washington this past weekend. The event was sponsored by The Family Research Council, a social conservative group. The weekend got off to a rousing start Friday night when Robert Jeffress, a prominent Texas pastor, criticized Mitt Romney and his faith, calling Mormonism a "cult."

And in the Values Voter straw poll, Rep. Ron Paul came out on top with 37 percent of the vote.

This morning on American Morning, CNN's Carol Costello talks with Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, about Jeffress' controversial remarks and why he believes Ron Paul's straw poll win is insignificant.

He was so ridiculous that the TeaNN host just laughed at his rationale for dissing Paul's win.

Costello: So Ron Paul probably means nothing and Herman Cain does.

Perkins Well, this is...the majority of the people came there for a summit to hear all of the candidates. They didn't come there to support a particular candidate. They came to listen to the candidate and express their preference. Ron Paul bused in over six hundred people on Saturday morning not to attend a conference, but to just to hear his speech and vote.

There was early news made at this summit when Pastor Jeffress openly attacked Mitt Romney's Mormon faith by calling it a "cult." The results of the straw poll show a couple of other bad signs for Romney, the Republican Villagers choice for the nomination. First, the type of evangelical that is attracted to the FRC does indeed not trust Romney's religion at all and secondly, he finishes behind everyone one of the remaining GOP candidates outside of Gingrich, who align themselves with religion. Well, they all pander there, but still. Not good, Mittens.

Paul 37%
Cain; 23%
Santorum: 16%
Perry: 8%
Bachmann: 8%
Romney: 4%
Gingrich: 3%

Cain's strong showing is also indicative of the dissatisfaction the right-wing base has with its field and with Romney in general. Perry's immigration stand has eroded his support entirely in the Christian community and put his bid in terrible jeopardy for the nomination. So, they are trying to show America that they aren't racists this early in the process and are flocking to Cain, even though he has no chance of winning.

See the original, again here, for the quote within quote delineation and for active links. I just put it up as one excerpt, Perkins seeming worth little time beyond a quick post to flag his qualities. See also, here, here and here.

Other than the sociologically interesting phenomenon that Ron Paul is being studiously and universally ignored by the press (stretching the term to even include Murdoch's minions), the side-show is extremely dismal as the machine hurtles inexorably to its Romney-Rubio ticket, (with Timmy feeling rejected), and the remainder of the world's civilization finally being able to say,

"Why, why, why did it take them so long, in such a strange meandering way - with all that book-seller pandering and the one crazy woman finally going back to Minnesota."

RightWingWatch catalogs the usual suspects.

An unrelated note, now is a good time of year to have the septic tank pumped.