
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Yesterday evening Orland Park had a town hearing on its Flaherty-ramp-wrap-rental situation. Only one online reporting item has been identified by Crabgrass, thus far.

Screenshot, from here. Click it to enlarge and read.

As only a few hours old (after a 10:35 am update), the comment thread is short.

If you check the item and are interested in how citizens in Orland Park are thinking about things, you might want to recheck the full thread tomorrow or Friday. I omitted some $dollar-$pecific coverage later in the end of that OP report, since our pricing and situation differs. If curious, again, look here.

Reporting makes no mention of whether there was strong citizen demand for the town board to hold a referendum. I expect the OP board of trustees will duck and dodge, as a referendum if lost, could be a deal killer.

That is precisely why we need a referendum in Ramsey. If citizens want to drive a nail into bad council decision making, and dodge a likely bad future high risk - high vacancy scenario - a referendum would give us that opportunity.

On the other hand, a stonewall is a stonewall, and the chance of our having a referendum is being stonewalled, thus far.