
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Republican roster running Ramsey raising revenue requirements? Relinquishing reduction related rhetoric? Really?

A tax increase?

From these guys?

Next year an election year and Republicans, at the helm, and with all the bleating they've done?

This link
Please do not forget how there was a lot of Tarzan-like chest pounding in the past, too much, about cutting taxes where reserves were being depleted to pay for stuff.

The mayor once mentioned to me the burden of debt service for the past city hall lavishness, servicing and retiring that debt.

Yet these are the guys intent on bonding for the Flaherty ramp-rental-wrap adventure? Not seeing how it could fail?

With reserves slashed and new bonding - what legacy are they leaving for succeeding councils?

What future does their current conduct entail?

This link, for a tentative and presently inconclusive story, (Sakry of ABC Newspapers reporting with detail apparently yet to be finalized). You decide. My bet is the shoe is pinching them now.

This screenshot: