
Friday, September 16, 2011

A new sidebar poll - the BIG sign.

Like it? Dislike it? Express your opinion.

My opinion, beyond a "dislike it" vote, first, I live in Ramsey, and it is not a "Ramsey" sign. (It does not say "Ramsey," does it?) Go from that. It is wasteful. It is a gimmick in bad taste - tacky, stupid and tawdry - and an expression of hucksterism that to me is not in character with Ramsey and its quiet, low-key, relaxed, stable, established and pleasant neighborhoods. It puts the city in a bad, carnival barker light. It adds nothing. A big Trojan Horse labled COR would say it better. With that said, the sidebar poll has only two choices - Like it as helpful -or- Dislike it as unhelpful. Please vote. The poll is the top sidebar item.

For those who drive Highway 10 with only tunnel vision and do not know what I am talking about, it is on the north side of the Highway and located almost due south of city hall. Substantially bigger than your automobile. A low five figure cost, I expect. Perhaps more. Perhaps a mid five figure tax dollar amount. Click the photo to enlarge and view.

Big and ...  photo from ramp stairwell