
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Will the marketing magic of 2008 return again? The near rock-star presentation then, running on "Change."

This image from

You have got to be kidding me. Farmer B.? And if you own a barn, do you display a flag that way? Give me a break.

It makes it look as if he's auctioning the barn, at a foreclosure sale.

However, "Change" can still be a campaign theme, the slogan being, "This time I will be what I promised you last time." He sold it once. He will be aiming to sell it again. Will skepticism be greater this go-round? Perhaps? Will the GOP challenger be better, and better received?

Perhaps not.

Hollywood has to be writing the election script, so far.

See the sidebar, top item.

Do you see him running as Clinton did one time, "It's the economy, stupid"?

And for an appeal to the Baby Boomers, whose old-age security he willingly bargains away, a theme song - from the old days - Jackson Browne

Looking out at the road rushing under my wheels
I don't know how to tell you all just how crazy this life feels
I look around for the friends that I used to turn to, to pull me through
Looking into their eyes I see them running too

Running on, running on empty
Running on, running blind
Running on, running into the sun
But I'm running behind

Running Behind. Behind on the payments? Oh my. Well, we can "change" that. On the cash supply side, Social Security. A change. Both sides of the aisle on that. Bipartisanship pulling the rug out.

Have you been enjoying the ride?

_____________FURTHER UPDATE______________
What about in 2012 a merger of the "Change" and "Hope" motifs. "Hope he'll change."