
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Stunt timing. Being more Bachmann than Bachmann. And you thought that impossible?

Strib carries an AP feed:

 AUSTIN, Texas - Texas Gov. Rick Perry has asked the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for nearly $350 million to cover the costs he says Texas has incurred incarcerating illegal immigrants in state prisons and county jails.

In a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Perry reiterated a claim he's often leveled against the federal government: that it's not doing enough to secure the border with Mexico and as a result, has allowed illegal immigrants to enter the U.S. and use taxpayer-funded resources, including the prison system. 

The letter was dated Aug. 10, three days before the Republican governor formally announced he is running for president.

 [...] In his two-page letter to Napolitano, Perry described the formula used to come up with his $349.2 million bill, including $94.4 million to cover costs incurred by county jails.

 [...] "The longstanding failure of the federal government to secure our border with Mexico continues to burden local communities and resources in Texas," Perry wrote.

That Gov. Perry, is something. He wants me to give him 350 silver bullets.
I'm ignoring him, Tonto. Once the election's over, Tonto, he's Elmer Grantry again back to thumping his Bible. -- Yes. Big Empty suit, Kemo Sabe.