
Sunday, August 07, 2011

RAMSEY - Government history and current coverage - the last special election, and this one.

Presently, ABC Newspapers in its most recent online reporting, "Four vie to fill vacant Ward 4 city council seat in Ramsey," this link.

I had forgotten, but in looking for something else, I uncovered a reminder that this is NOT the first time in recent years that Ramsey held a summertime special election to fill a vacancy due to a council member's resignation. From the Way Back Machine archive:

Click the image to read.
Margaret Connolly won that election.

Unfortunately, my key question was never asked by ABC papers, "Will you commit to working ceaselessly to fire Darren and Landform to end all that waste and foolishness, something short of tar-and-feathers being okay, but doing it effectively and permanent?"