
Saturday, August 13, 2011

OMG - They are building a new Pentagon. And it shouts itself as a canary, saying, wait and see, wait and see.

This link. Source of these visuals, (with one pivoted, annotation added to the other):

The rendering was rotated to show the same orientation as on the chart. On the rendering match the curved side with the FC adventure item on the chart, and see the transit hub would be on the upper left side of the rendered image.

The Orland Park FC adventure - Adjacent to the TOD site.

"Transit Oriented Development." How unique. What an idea. Wow.

So, the item reports a schedule the Orland Park officials are chomping at the bit to meet.

Let them.

Clearly, Ramsey is not Orland Park, and Orland Park is not Ramsey.

However ---

If it does not fly in Orland Park, what's that say about the canary test - will the canary fly in Ramsey?

Or is the Ramsey Council gang of four so intent on forcing things in Ramsey that we end up the canary, and Orland Park gets the sensible wait-and-see opportunity?

Well, hey, we are safe. We have conservatives on our council. They have told us that is what they are. So, they will be conservative and seize the wait-and-see opportunity. Right?


I would hope that if the Orland Park thing is bonded by $65 million of Orland Park city cash, that the Pittsburgh bank funding the first position in Ramsey might be conservative, and seize the wait-and-see opportunity, never mind how hell-bent Darren and the Gang-of-four are to put Ramsey into a high-risk situation. Bankers ARE conservative, or so we've been told.

Is there anything complicated, or mystical, in WAIT AND SEE?

UPDATE: Links re Orland Park, Flaherty-&-Collins rail, parking ramp, "upscale" rental planning.

FURTHER UPDATE: Among those links, this item, reporting:

What remains less definite, for now, is exactly how this project will be paid for. Assistant village manager Ellen Baer said the whole project will cost between $63 and $65 million, from ground breaking to ribbon cutting, and that Indianapolis-based developer Flaherty and Collins will be taking on some building costs. Baer said the project will not lead to a rise in property taxes for Orland Park homeowners, but wouldn’t elaborate on further specifics on how the project will be paid for.

“Project revenues will be sufficient to pay for the financing of the project,” Baer said. She added that more information about the funding would be available by mid August.

One goal for this development is to coax a younger professional population to live in Orland Park, village manager Paul Grimes said. The village commissioned a market research study performed in May 2010 by Schaumburg-based Tracy Cross and Associates, and the consulting group concluded a market exists for such luxury apartments in Orland Park, Grimes said. A copy of the study was not provided when asked, though Baer said it could be available mid August.

Flaherty and Collins also had done a market research study in July 2010 that came to a similar conclusion about demand, Grimes said. Grimes added that the researchers took into account Orland Park’s “daytime community” when asked about whether enough businesses exist in town to pull in professionals who might rent such apartments.

"That is something that is not our strength," Grimes said. "But we think we have the capacity for it, and having access to apartment living like this is helpful. The developer is confident that the pricing is attainable for our marketplace, especially with all of the amenities."

“Project revenues will be sufficient to pay for the financing of the project,” Baer said. Either that Baer lady would fit right into Ramsey government based on damn-the-downside enthusiasms, or she has an infallible crystal ball, which I wish she'd give me so I could gamble comfortably on stocks and racehorses.

I don't recall anyone's talk about a market study of such kinds, for Ramsey. Was one done, and held back to not rain on someone's sunshine?

Or is it to hell with any aiming, shoot first, see who's dead later?