
Sunday, August 28, 2011

The last Ramsey HRA meeting was rebroadcast on QCTY, ending about an hour, a half-hour ago.

Tail end, Darren Lazan talking about thinking the Flaherty-&-Collins deal had flipped, "... I was told in no uncertain terms this thing was the will of the council" and to get it back on track.

 Who told the man that?

 Under what circumstances?

Based on what, an unofficial caucus among a majority of the council, where it was decided that even if dying, Darren's "job" was to Lazarus it.

"In no uncertain terms" that was Lazan's "job" and "Do it."

 If the council had info from Lazan, through proper channels, and voted that "in no uncertain terms" this was to be resuscitated - I missed that open meeting and I bet a good half or so of the Council did too.

 What's going on?

Is that anything like a fair and decent way to run a city government?