
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

FBI investigation and US Attorney activity on mortgage fraud, reaching into Coon Rapids; with two pleas already and unidentified coconspirators.

The remaining alleged participants likely are the primary targets, given that two in the alleged conspiracy have copped pleas and appear ready to testify. How far it reaches, with a $20 million number mentioned, is unclear. One plea, an individual out of Coon Rapids, the other plea, an Edina man - with neither name meaning much to me in terms of name recognition and history.

The US Attorney's office release, here. Reporting, here, here and here.

The prosecutor's press release is dated July 25, 2011, so it is month old news already. Yet this is the first I noticed of it, and readers might be interested but unaware of yet another situation being run to ground. Where it goes next, including identities of the presently unidentified coconspirators, seems yet to unfold. I have no idea how extensive coverage will be, so readers interested in the situation should keep informed; and ideally would send an email to me at the address on the sidebar so I can post if anything further happens of interest in Anoka County.