
Friday, July 01, 2011

Two thoughts.

They shut the government down and nobody misses them.

How about a shutdown in Ramsey? A failure to have the cash "necessary" to flow to Landform? Does disaster have a greater scope?

Second thought - from Norwegianity

Third thought - I forgot. Something I wanted to say. Something about early onset Alzheimer's? That's why the headline says "Two."

Well, I am sure it was better as a third thought, but try this - Would you take five figure money doled to you monthly from Ramsey if you prime requirement were to bring in a handful of deals of the Flaherty-Collins quality? Would you get winded on that agenda? Could you keep it up month after month? Could you handle it? Could you cash checks without guilt? Would you grow bored and want a challenge?

Well, wow. I got the third thought back while closing open browser tabs. Privatization is a resonant word in GOP ranks. Start there -

Ramsey again. Darren again. Darren missing the boat.

He worries about filling the rental units of the FC ramp-wrap by the rails, (but not much I expect), probably with a build it and they will come attitude. AND - we know - it will gooooooose up the tax base. Ultimately.

Well, here's what he missed, for Town Center. It will lessen the empty vast raw land. Build it and they will come. Hit a highly profitable bed occupancy rate, and the cash will flow to the venture like manna from heaven, (so that it's assessed valuation can be set high), and we know the rest of the story. Darren, wake up. A Ramsey Town Center expansion opportunity awaits only the thoughtful seizing of an opportunity. Go for it big guy. You can sell it to Bob and Colin, is my guess, they are receptive individuals. Then a couple tag-alongs fall into place, to make a done deal. And - think of it as jobs. Guardians of Town Center enterprise in action - jobs. Somebody has to shepherd the flock.

____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
With regard to the above Norwegianity CAUTION item, read this, both because it is interesting and because everyone should read Empty Wheel to learn how to write well. Ditto for Naked Capitalism, the website linked to in the UPDATE. Quality thinking, expressed well. Ditto, Norwegianity. The latter with an edge.